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Hanze UAS Activities Fund

Download here the documents regarding the Hanzehogeschool Groningen (HG) Activities Fund for the year 2022-2023. For questions regarding the fund, please send an email to the treasurer (

Student Assistance Fund '22-'23

For all administrators of the ’22-’23 academic year, the new regulations regarding the Profileringsfonds can be found. Please note that a distinction has been made between the different types of HG student organisations. These are other organisations and study associations. Not sure which you fall under? If so, contact the treasurer of the Student Activities Foundation (SSA).

The application must be submitted online. The folder structure is available online.

Student Assistance Fund '23-'24

For all administrators of the ’23-’24 academic year, the new regulations regarding the Profileringsfonds can be found. Please note that a distinction has been made between the different types of HG student organisations. These are other organisations and study associations. Not sure which you fall under? If so, contact the treasurer of the Student Activities Foundation (SSA).

The application must be submitted online. The folder structure is available online.

Green Label

The Green Label was set up in 2021. On the basis of the Green Label document, Hanze UAS organisations can obtain a maximum of three stars. Further details can be found in the document.

Internationalisation grant A and B

More information on this grant can be found in the Attachments. This will not be translated, as all documentation must be provided in English when applying.

Student Charter

You can find the Student Charter below.

Other documentation

You can find all of the other documentation below.

Introductory document:

The introductory document for Hanze UAS organisations can be found here: Introductory document

Start-up document:

The start-up document for Hanze UAS organisations can be found here:  Start-up document

Staff-office document:

The staff-office document for Hanze UAS organisations can be found here: Staff-office document

Law workshop document

The law workshop document for the Hanze UAS organizations can be found here: Law workshop document

Supporting document:

The Supporting Document for Hanze UAS organisations can be found here: Supporting document

Regulations of the Advisory Committee:

The SSA organises an Advisory Committee meeting twice a year. At this meeting, the board presents its policy plan or annual report, among other presentations. This meeting will take place in accordance with regulations which you can find here: Advisory Committee Regulations.

Facilities policy:

The facilities policy for Hanze UAS organisations can be found here: Facilities policy.

Privacy Decleration: 

The Privacy Decleration of the SSA can be found here: Privacy Declaration.

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