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"The SSA supports, connects, defends and inspires."


Foundation Student Activities (SSA) is the umbrella student organisation of Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen (Hanze UAS) and was founded in 1994 during the merger of the Rijkshogeschool and Hanze UAS. Meanwhile, 28 years later, the foundation is well known among Hanze UAS and all student organisations. A total of 37 Hanze UAS student organisations are represented by the SSA.

As the umbrella organisation of the Hanze UAS student organisations, the SSA has an inspiring exemplary function for making its four core values feasible. The four core values that are central to the SSA are: to support, to connect, to defend and to inspire.

"De SSA ondersteunt, verbindt, behartigt en inspireert"


De Stichting Studenten Activiteiten (SSA) is de overkoepelende studentenorganisatie van de Hanzehogeschool Groningen (HG) en is opgericht in 1994 tijdens de fusie van de Rijkshogeschool en de Hanzehogeschool Groningen. Inmiddels, 25 jaar later, is de stichting welbekend onder de Hanzehogeschool Groningen en alle studentenorganisaties. Er vallen in totaal 37 HG-studentenorganisaties onder de SSA.

De SSA heeft als overkoepelende organisatie van de HG-studentenorganisaties een inspirerende voorbeeldfunctie voor het uitvoerbaar maken van haar vier kernwaarden. De vier kernwaarden die centraal staan zijn: ondersteunen, verbinden, behartigen en inspireren.


By fulfilling the interests of the Hanze UAS student organisations as well as possible.


By sharing its innovations and developments from the Hanze UAS with the parties involved in the SSA.


By offering financial support, workshops and focusing on issues of concern of the Hanze UAS student organisations.


By bringing the Hanze UAS student organisations into contact with each other and with external parties.

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